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GearGuide Entry: Backpacks for Survival Gear Overview: March 22, 2013
GearGuide Entry: Backpacks for Survival Gear Overview: March 22, 2013
Survival Tips for Novices

Awesome Backpacks for Survival Gear

Survival is a need for any living person. It is not an easy task. It involves drinking enough water, eating enough food and staying healthy. It also involves staying away from dangerous situations and protecting oneself. Each year, millions of people die. Some individuals do not make it past their first birthday. Certain tips need to be followed in order to survive well.

The first tip is to stay healthy. It is easy to get medical conditions that disable the body. Teeth can be lost due to gum disease. STDs can kill people within a couple of years. Heart and lung conditions can disable the body and slowly kill it. There are countless disease and health conditions that need to be avoided. The way to stay healthy is to live a healthy lifestyle. This means avoiding drugs and alcohol. It also involves exercising on a daily basis. Exercise is known to cut mental and physical sicknesses.

Great Backpacks for Survival GearThe second tip is to prepare for stressful trips appropriately. Each year, many people die while hiking through forests or traveling through rough terrain. This is because they do not have backpacks for survival gear. Some people like to hike and travel through remote locations as a hobby. Others live off of the land and are constantly on the move. Many people have a job that requires them to travel for long distances on foot or by bicycle. Their trip could last for several days or weeks. These types of backpacks allow people to travel with enough to survive. These packs should include water, foot, a fire starter, a weapon for protection and a knife to cut food. The world is very large and people can easily get tired and dehydrated. They can also become extremely hungry and need food in order to think well. Only the smartest travelers wear backpacks. They are the ones who are able to live and tell the story about how their trip went.

The third tip is to be dressed for the occasion. Some places are very cold and some are very hot. Other locations have temperatures that change throughout the day and night. People who do not dressed appropriately do not survive well. They freeze where it is cold and they die of dehydration where it is hot. People in cold locations need to have gloves, a jacket, scarf, snow boots and a ski mask. Every inch of their body should be covered. One open inch on their skin could cause their whole body to suffer greatly. People in hot weather need to dress in light clothing. It should cover their entire body from the sun yet let in air easily. The items they wear should be in light colors because the sun is attracted to dark ones.

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