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GearGuide Entry:Tough US Army Boots: April 23, 2013
GearGuide Entry:Tough US Army Boots: April 23, 2013
Combat boots- A Look a Tough Footwear

Great US Army BootsCombat boots are the toughest footwear around. Our modern idea of the boot was first assigned to us soldiers in the 1850s. Since then our military has worked hard in improving and redesigning the ACU boots and coming up with multiple versions of the footwear.

All us army boots share tough leather souls, good venting, and are fit for comfort. Other features can include fire proofing, water proofing and anti-tear material. Depending on what your looking for the price can vary greatly, from 50 to 200 dollars. The cost of a good pair of boots also depends on the vendor. The army has an actual guidelines for what they want their soldiers to be wearing but the commercial boots are different. The cheaper end ones tend to appeal to only the casual hiker and those wanting to make a tough fashion statement.

Best US Army BootsWhen shopping for US army boots, if you buy new, it's important to know if you live on your feet, they will give you blisters if you walk several hundred miles in them like most military men and women do. Your also looking at wearing out your boots in three to five months if you purchase the less expensive types of boots so if you live on your feet you might want to get the hardier more expensive ones. If your the occasional hiker and don't see yourself wearing your boots that often they will likely last you a year or more.

Our military has blessed us with the most comfortable, toughest footwear around. Since their invention they have come a long way to protect the feet of our loved ones as they fight to defend out freedom. They're builds are usually tough and made to last Depending on where you shop the price can vary, and the features of the footwear are very different depending on what you want these shoes to be for. Take your lifestyle into consideration when browsing for these boots. When considering your next pair of footwear to go running around the outdoors, you might want to consider buying a pair of combat boots for your troubles.

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Post Archive > April 2013